среда, 25 февраля 2015 г.

Adventure lovers

Don't look  down

Paul  Lay dances  with death  in the mountains of southern Spain.
 I have  always  enjoyed walking.When I was  aboy  I used to   go  walking   at the weekends  with  my father. We went  camping and climbing together.
I try to visit  a new place  every  year. Laat year I  decided  to walk  a path in Spain  called  El Camino del Rey  , which  means the King's way. It is one of the highest and most dangerous footpaths in Europe.It used to be very safe  but now it  is falling down.
I took a train to the village  of El Chorro and started to walk towards the mountains. I was very  excited. Then the adventure began.
The path was  about  three feet wide  and there were  holes  in it.   I didn't know what to do --  Should  I    go   on my  hands  and  knees, or  stand  up/?  I decided to  stand d up and walk  very  slowly. At  times  the path was  only  as  wide  as  my two boots. I stopped to have a rest but  there was  nowhere to sit.
I began  to feel  very  frightened.It was  impossible to look  down or  look up. I was  concentrating so hard  that  my body  started aching. There was  no thrill  of danger , no enjoyment of the view. I thought I was  going to die.

 I finally managed to get  to the end. I was  shaking, and I was  covered in sweat from heat  and fear. I fell to the ground exhausted.

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